

350 Fairway Dr #105, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441, USA

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Juliet Nwachukwu January 8, 2020 2:54 am

Very disappointed with this company’s interviewing process. I scheduled a time to meet with the hiring manager the day before and on the day of my interview, I was informed that the hiring manager was not available. If that was the case, someone should have notified me so I didn’t waste my time and gas traveling to Deerfield. In place of the hiring manager, I sat with a woman who obviously did not read my resume and was clearly unfamiliar with my past or current work history. That meeting lasted 5 minutes or less to complete…it took me 25 minutes to drive there. This lack of professionalism is extremely inconsiderate and disrespectful. Our time is just as valuable.

Diana Hawkins July 25, 2019 4:22 am

The lady who trained me (Lisa) was super rude and would mock anyone who asked questions. She even did it on the very first day to half the class. I don’t know how someone can find it irritating when you are the training manager. She bragged about being from the hood which was really really odd and tried to even cross the line with students with insults and sarcasm to prove it. They pay $10/hr for the first two weeks but train you for a day and a half and then throw you to the phones. And then get super irritated when you haven’t perfectly memorized a 7 page script in 36 hours, word for word. The dress code is extremely inappropriate and risqué and actually kind of sexual. It felt like I was at a night club without the music. I almost ordered a drink from one of those girls. They hire 75% girls and the ones who dress inappropriately get rewarded by getting ahead for no reason. Stay away !!!!!

Jazmin May 15, 2019 8:43 pm

I love working at this place. There is huge potential to make money here and you are given daily incentives, spiffs, bonuses …..and also excellent coaches and management who actually help you to improve your phone skills. Everyone is treated fairly and the owners are very hands on and care not just about their own personal success of their business but also care if you are also making money too and provide a friendly work environment, which is warm and also very professional. It inspires me to try harder.

New Jersey Fish keeper March 18, 2019 8:13 pm

I’ve worked at enough jobs to know a good work place. Given, all jobs have there ups and downs and can improve in some areas. The work place is a very vibrant, upbeat atmosphere. I see myself working here long term. As long as you are doing your job and asking questions when you have them you will have no issues in this work atmosphere.
If you are working hard, believe me it does not go unnoticed! I’ve seen them promote people into different departments and different rankings all because hard work!
They give us one hour lunch breaks, a lot of work establishments do not do that. If you get really hungry, didn’t bring lunch, and don’t have a car, they have vending machines in office!! They also provide free coffee (and tea) all day! coming in so early in the morning I am glad I dont have to make a pit stop to grab coffee because when I get here I know it’ll be brewing!
Overall this is a very well maintained establishment.

Joel Polanco June 12, 2018 7:16 pm

I have been part of this amazing company for 2 years. I look forward to coming to work every single day. Not only have I grown in this company as an employee but also as person. This place truly does feel more like a family than anything else. I have never once had an unpleasant experience. All around this is an amazing place to work at. The people are amazing, the atmosphere keeps you wanting to work and the people above make sure to take care of their people.