

500 NE Spanish River Blvd #201, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA

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Closed opens on Monday at 08:30AM

08:30AM - 04:30PM


08:30AM - 04:30PM


08:30AM - 04:30PM


08:30AM - 04:30PM


08:30AM - 04:30PM





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Become a Professional Healer — Make a difference in your life and in lives of others

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Sundeep Jay September 18, 2017 8:39 pm

This is a follow up on a comment by another person a few months ago….

I lost my life there too…. but just to gain a better one because the old was never working in the first place. I had to make a decision to either I walked in life taking full responsibility and or to continue blaming others for my problems!! Glad I lost my life just to get a better one!!! The other life was heading towards a disease I would either create for myself and or inflict onto another family member.

Most growing processes in life… on this planet involves effort – losing weight, getting a bachelors degree, etc… this is no different. But after either getting fit and or getting a degree we are always better off then before. BBSH is for the growth of consciousness which further evolves our soul – it does not happen automatically, it involves effort!


Guille Fernandez July 6, 2017 3:29 am

Attending BBSH changed my life completely for good. Each year was filled with amazing experiences, very interesting lectures and healing techniques. The teachers and the staff were always there to support us in our journey. The whole program is very professional. Highly recommend this experience 🙂

Joan LoMonaco July 3, 2017 10:32 pm

Attending BBSH was the most intensive, transformative and growth producing experience of my life. It was the most important thing I did in my life. Here I broke free from compulsive and self destructive workaholic cycles. I shifted from living from my “lower self” to my “higher self.” I shifted into living in a state of being where I can follow my longings to do what is right for me in that moment instead of being driven by a compulsive need for safety and security. I can feel my core of joy after much healing work. The teachers were phenomenal and inspiring. It was hard work and fun. It is great to be a part of a network of healers who are here to help transform people and the planet to a higher level of consciousness.

Randall Segal June 24, 2017 5:26 pm

The Barbara Brennan School of Healing changed my life forever. Through Barbara’s teachings, I’ve learned how my reactions and patterns effect how I deal with world. Even better I have learned how to stop those reactions from occurring so that I can truly be myself . BBSH is a school of miracles and well worth the investment in yourself.

Sarah LV December 12, 2015 2:46 am

I loved it at first then it almost cost me my life. I can’t believe I fell into a cult that promotes healing through “guardians” that move without dimension and time aka ALIENS! How embarrassing and such a complete waste of $$. I’m through with this Channeling, Healing Touch, New Age Occult danger. My experience with this school and its practitioners was so bad and it opened so many horrific doors that I was afraid of church that offered healing services after this. What a nightmare!