

3601 N Military Trl, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA

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Barbara Harper February 20, 2020 10:16 pm

The Music Conservatory of Lynn University is the best bargain in South Florida for classical music lovers. Attend recitals, competitions and concerts with world class professors accompanying their students. The donor appreciation concert on Feb 19, 2020 was beyond incredible. The auditorium has excellent acoustics and comfortable seating. Buy a ticket for the season for as low as $400 and enjoy the wide range of vocal, strings, woodwinds, brass, piano – there is something for everyone!

Jay Alou February 18, 2020 1:03 pm

First thing I noticed were the gorgeous lamps! They must cost a fortune! The acoustics inside are impressive! I switched seats twice just to experience how well the sound fills the room. I then learned more about the history of the theater and confirms why I enjoyed it so much.

Braddock J Alexander April 26, 2019 12:49 pm

Host a variety of wonderful performances. The Wold Theater is also home to Lynn University talented conservatory and drama/acting programs. Tickets are very reasonable compared to other venues. Easy access, parking, valet parking. Great stage and seating.

Scott Wheeler April 15, 2019 1:11 pm

This theatre always books professional class talent. On 4/15/19 I attended the university symphony. Despite being students they played pieces that would challenge any professional symphony. They were great, as usual. A friend I brought was moved to tears. I enjoy the tidbits at the beginning of each piece offered by the Maestro. Definitely worth attending almost any performance.

Chloe’ Sizer January 22, 2019 8:35 pm

The shows offered are absolutely fantastic, from the student showcases to the visiting performances, it’s a fantastic place to get a little taste of the arts. Highly recommend!