

6971 N Federal Hwy #303, Boca Raton, FL 33487, USA

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massage, Steven White, pain, stress, AIS, neuromuscular massage, Wwedish massage, massage therapy, massage therapist, Boca Raton, Florida, Active Isolated Stretching, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, low back pain, deep tissue massage

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Lawrence Eaton July 2, 2018 1:10 am

Terrific deep muscle work. Healing hands. A must for a sore and achy body…

Sherry Sidler October 29, 2015 12:22 am

I was first treated by Steven White 26 yrs. ago for injuries from an auto accident. I had severe whiplash from being rear-ended by the other driver at 80 mph! I could not pick my head up off the pillow because of the severe spasms & trauma to my neck, shoulders, back & hips. My first session w/ Steven revealed how articulate he is in applying the correct amount of pressure to areas of my neck I never knew existed. Thus began my many sessions w/ Steven to address other soft tissue conditions in addition to the rehabilitation of the injured soft tissues.
To date I have no residual effects of that accident & have a life long commitment to my health & wellness w/ the expert assistance of Steven & his vast knowledge & experience as a bodyworker & compassionate human being.